Thursday 29 August 2013

Fruit for Thought


 If you didn't know, I really love fruits. I know of some people who forgo fruits (and sometimes veg) entirely in their diets! They are still skinny (and look good), but honestly, I think it's very unhealthy to not include fruits or vegetables in any meal at all. Well, it's fine if you go a day or two without fruits and vegetables, but at least have it a couple of times a week? If not, try at least once or so a week. It will do you good, I promise!

I was never really a big fan of fruits and vegetables until the past 3 years.. I'm very picky about the taste of my food and some fruits are just.. MEH. Well, not until I read many articles and challenged myself to having kiwis or oranges to boost up on my Vit C because I kept falling ill.

Now, I eat at least one serving of fruit everyday during dinner (or when I get home late after having dinner outside), or try to drink fresh fruit juice - no, not the marigold "freshly squeezed orange juice", but juice from the vendor stalls. Sometimes when fruits run out at home and I'm too busy to make my way to get a cup of juice, it really can't be helped. But I do make it a point to have fruits and vegetables incorporated into my meals almost everyday if possible.

Lately, I've been drinking a cup of juice every morning, cutting down on my caffeine intake. oh, guilty pleasures of tea and coffee. I must say the results are amazing. I'm more awake and I get less lethargic than usual.

I know it's really tough to start eating fruits every single day if you don't have that habit, so today I'm gonna share with you some benefits of fruits and my favorites, and hopefully it'll motivate you to start eating "clean(er)"!

My ultimate favorite fruit(s) has got to be red apples, lemons and cantaloupes and papayas. You know how the saying goes "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"? I really do think it does! And who can resists its sweet sweet taste? I don't even have to go on about how good a glass of iced lemonade can help to flush out the heat and balance overly salty food. Papayas are good for digestion, and they give you loads of protein and fiber. All you soccer / basketball / sporty guys, fuel up on papayas, it's very beneficial for you!

It helps to restore strained muscles - don't tell me you don't ache after a game of soccer or basketball or whatever you play; tennis, badminton, etc. You worked your muscles and you need to have something to restore those damaged tissues in your muscles. No, 100 Plus does not help (okay it does a little but not really, it just keeps you a tad more hydrated over all the sweat you lost). 

I do get lazy and tired of munching on fruits everyday, so I mix! I love drinking Apple + Papaya juice - it's healthy, it's good for the bowels; yes, it makes you shit every morning after drinking it, but I'd like to think of it as clearing up my tummy space for good food during lunch! hehe. 

One thing I really love about my new job is that there is a fruit stall at the lobby of my office's building - I can indulge in a cup of juice every morning or (and) after lunch! Another thing I want to share with you guys is how fruits can improve the condition of your skin. I used to have super oily skin and I breakout like crazy. 

But ever since I started eating fruits like strawberries and apples and tomatoes, I realized that my breakouts are happening a lot less and I can even go without concealers / foundation out - just a winged tip eyeliner drawn at the corner of my eyes! Closer friends have witnessed the change in my skin condition too! So girls, do increase the intake of fruits because they are really, really good! I don't think there are enough words to express how amazing they are! 

On top of that, CRAMPS. I used to hate it when my mom made me a glass of ginger tea - ginger slices boiled in water with some honey / sugar for a better taste when I got the cramps. "I'm not drinking that! I'm sticking to my pink panadol!" was what I exclaimed to her. Why down that glass of spicy tea when I can pop pills and wait for it to happen, right?  

Not going to go into very detailed details - but I'm pretty sure all if not most of you know that ginger is good in aiding congestion. It's actually a good painkiller too! The smell is icky, but the effect is awesome. Ginger tea (add more honey to mask the taste) warms up your tummy and thus easing the pain in your abdomen area when having your period. Sometimes when I'm just feeling bloated, I drink a cup of ginger tea and the wind gets passed out almost immediately *fart*! oops :x

No worries if you really hate eating fruits - infuse them! That's right, just slice up an orange (or any other of your choice) and put them into a glass of iced water, wait about 15-30 minutes, and drink the water! Saves you from eating the fruit (if you really really really really hate the idea of putting that piece of fruit into your mouth) but still get some of the effects of it! Of course eating the fruit on its own is the best, but if you genuinely can't stand the idea of it, try this method. They look pretty too! Like decorated water. Good for people who dislike drinking plain water, too. Flavored water - best of both worlds. Hydrating yourself and getting vitamins while doing so, brilliant! 

I'm gonna make all my wedding guest drink infused water because it's too pretty to resist.

I hope you guys are motivated to start eating fruits! 

Stay healthy and gold. x