Tuesday 18 February 2014

All Things Tea

It's the time of the year where everyone starts eating unhealthy - Chinese New Year goodies. Aren't they all so yummy and irresistible? It all starts from the first cookie you take, then soon before you know it, you've gobbled down an entire container of pineapple tarts. Oh, the number of calories. 

We all feel good eating yummy food, but also soon regret it as it leaves us bloated and uncomfortable. Not to mention the fast acting zits who pop out by the time morning comes! There are many ways you can help to cure the uneasiness the junk food makes you feel, but my personal favourite, would be teas. Teas come in so many varieties, and each of them comes with benefits of their own. Below is a simple table of what kind of teas can help you achieve certain effects.

Teas do not contain any harmful ingredients, (except caffeine, which, when overly consumed, can cause sleepless nights, palpitations, and shivers). But still, better than popping pills from the doctor.  

I love my tea from Clipper (available at Tangs or The Heeren), Gryphon (available at major supermarkets like NTUC or Cold Storage), and Tea Pigs, which is only available in the US/UK. I ship my stash from the US site, using a forwarding service 65daigou

Do note: they are a teeny bit pricey but worth every penny. When I am feeling broke from major shopping sprees and do not wish to spend on tea (or forced to cut my spending and my tea stash coincidentally runs low), I settle for very affordable stashes from cheaper alternatives like Lipton, Twinings, or Dilmah. 

I will be sharing with you Artisan Teas, as well as cheaper alternatives

To-Go Morning: 

I love green tea, especially the ones they serve in Korean Restaurants (Barley Tea). I love the roasted aroma it gives, especially in the mornings, to help me ease into a mellow day at the office.

My Pick: Genmaicha from Gryphon || Barley Tea from Dongsuh || Hangover Tea, and Energy Tea from YourTea || Decaffeinated Green TeaEveryday Blend from Twinnings


Some mornings, I get a little lethargic from staying up late the night before, and crave for something strong in taste that coffee can't give at times. I find that brewing black tea for awhile longer gives the kick that I need to awake my senses.

My Pick: Earl Grey from Tea Pigs ||  Extra Strong from Tetley


Some days, I just need something to give me a light boost, without the caffeine, and my recent trip to Melbourne got me addicted (I spent SGD$50) on Rooibos teas. They are so fruity and delightful. Some fruit teas are too sour and at times bitter, but Petal's rooibos taste nothing like that, with the beautiful aromas of fruit medleys.

My Pick: Rooibos Sorbet from Petal ||  Energising Peppermint and Nettle from Twinnings


I am often guilty of over eating during lunch, as I skip dinner almost every day, unless I made dinner plans. Some teas I find help to ease my stomach discomfort are herbal blends, mainly consisting of ginger, mint, or lemon.

My Pick: Ginger from Clipper ||  Liquorice and Mint from Tea Pigs || Happy Tea from YourTea || Peppermint, Fennel & Dandelion Root, and Cleansing Fennel from Twinnings


When almost the end of the work day approaches, I go for decaffeinated black teas, as I wouldn't want to be kept up all night due to all the tea intake during the day. At times, I go for fruit blends as well if I am craving for a snack - such teas help me refrain from snacking wrong; potato chips or chocolate bars.

My Pick: Azteca D'oro, and Forest Berry Iced Tea from Gryphon || Anti-C Tea from YourTea || Decaf from Tetley

Night / Before Bed:

I personally find it very comforting to have a hot cup of tea before bed, so that my body can digest and detox while asleep, helping me to wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.

My Pick: Bedtime Tea, Relax Tea, and Glow Tea from Petal || Sleep Tea from YourTea || Camomile, Camomile & Spearmint, Camomile and Honey, Sleep Tea from Twinnings

If you aren't an avid tea drinker, below is also a table to assist in brewing your cup of tea. It's a rough guide, though. I usually prefer my teas strong and bold, so I steep the leaves for a longer period of time. But to each his own. Some may find even 3 minutes a tad too long for the tea bags or leaves to be steeped. So play around with brewing times to find how short or long you like your tea to be brewed :)

I prefer loose tea leaves which I can brew in a strainer or a pot (when I'm home), or silken tea bags / pyramids because I find that it gives my tea more "flavour". I find that paper tea bags affects the taste of my tea with a slightly burnt/paper taste while silken pyramids and bags allow for better infusion of the tea leaves. It could be because the leaves in paper tea bags are more finely grounded (like powder), while those in silk bags are more "intact" or "whole". But, like I said, to each his own.

I hope this post helped you a little, and thanks for stopping by and giving it a read.

Have a great Lunar New Year everyone, may this year be filled with success, happiness, and prosper for you.
