Wednesday 2 June 2021

Bug Buster: Fight the Colds, Sore Throats, Indigestions, Lethargy.

The season for never ending colds, coughs, fevers, sore throats... you get my drift, has arrived. On top of the haze that never seems to be going away, it is much more important to have home remedies on hand so that you can prevent these ailments from getting worse. 

This honey-lemon concoction has been around for ages, and as the Chinese saying goes, 姜還是老的辣: translated, it means, the old ginger is still the spicy one. Which also means that, the older a "recipe" or "tradition" is, the better it works. If it's still around these days, it means it's true, right? 

It's easy to pop a pill or two when we feel a cold coming, but natural remedies are so much safer and healthier, and they come with extra benefits too! 

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Benefits of Drinking Tea


I hate to be that person that proclaims to be a primarily coffee or tea drinker. There are days where I go for coffee in the mornings (and sometimes another in the afternoon), and then tea to unwind after a long day. There are days where I've had a heavier meal or just feeling unwell in general that I'd reach for a cup of peppermint or ginger tea instead of a cuppa joe. There are also days where I drink a coffee (or tea) with every meal I take. (side note: yes, I'm that psycho that drinks a cup of coffee before bed time and still go to sleep easily).

But, I have to admit that tea is sometimes better than coffee, mainly because of the wider type and variety of tea there is for most ailments. 


Sunday 28 February 2021

3 Pre and Post Workout Smoothie Recipes

I workout at least 3 times a week, and it is very important to me that I eat right so that my muscles can recover faster. Aside from strength and core workouts, I run 5-10K every weekend. Thus, I make sure that I hydrate and refuel myself well.

Here are 3 smoothie recipes that I absolutely love - they not only give me a good protein boost, but also taste super yummy!

Saturday 6 February 2021

Sore Throat Home Remedies

Hi friends!

The Chinese Lunar New Year is just round the corner, and with all the feasting [[pineapple tarts, cookies, bakkwa a.k.a. jerky, ...]], it is hard not to fall sick! I tend to find myself snacking on the goodies uncontrollably during this festive period, and almost always end up getting a sore throat by the third day.

No one likes having a sore throat. The pain and irritation when you swallow, the constant dryness you feel no matter how much water you drink to "rehydrate", ugh. It is important to constantly rehydrate yourself throughout the day - set an alarm on your phone every hour to drink 500ml of water, or at least a large cup. Our body needs to flush out all the toxins from our system, and by drinking more fluids, we are able to replenish and aid our recovery.

 As such, today, I will be sharing with you some home remedies that can relief the discomfort.