Saturday 6 February 2021

Sore Throat Home Remedies

Hi friends!

The Chinese Lunar New Year is just round the corner, and with all the feasting [[pineapple tarts, cookies, bakkwa a.k.a. jerky, ...]], it is hard not to fall sick! I tend to find myself snacking on the goodies uncontrollably during this festive period, and almost always end up getting a sore throat by the third day.

No one likes having a sore throat. The pain and irritation when you swallow, the constant dryness you feel no matter how much water you drink to "rehydrate", ugh. It is important to constantly rehydrate yourself throughout the day - set an alarm on your phone every hour to drink 500ml of water, or at least a large cup. Our body needs to flush out all the toxins from our system, and by drinking more fluids, we are able to replenish and aid our recovery.

 As such, today, I will be sharing with you some home remedies that can relief the discomfort.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

One of my favourite supplement I always, always keep in the fridge. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is always heavily mentioned when it comes to health and detoxing as is high in anti bacterial properties. When taken every morning, it is said that it helps to boost the body's metabolism.

Mix a tablespoon of ACV in a glass of warm water. Sweeten with honey to taste.

2. Manuka Honey

Methylglyoxal, the main compound found in Manuka Honey, makes it anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-microbal, and anti-bacterial. Honey is also naturally antiseptic, and it is very commonly used in medicine, skincare, and even food.

Take a tablespoon straight from the jar as frequently as required, or mix it in a glass of warm (not hot) water.

3. Salt Water Gargle

Gargling with salt water is a known remedy to relief sore throats. Salt will reduce the swelling in your throat and kill unwanted microbes.

Dissolve a tea spoon in a glass of warm water and gargle for 30 seconds, every hour, or as frequent as you need.

4. Lemon Water 

Lemons are high in Vitamin C and anti-oxidants, which help to reduce pain.

The best way to have this is to combine the juice of half (or a whole) lemon in a bottle of warm water. Sweeten with honey if desired. For maximum effect, add in a tiny pinch of salt. Drink throughout the day.

5. Ginger Tea

Ginger has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and can even reduce bloating in the stomach by expelling gas. It is very commonly used in Asia as a remedy for soothing colds, and aiding in relieving menstrual cramps. Ginger tea can be bought at supermarkets, but best made at home with fresh ginger.

Slice a thumb size of ginger root and add into a small pot of water (about 1L). Bring to a boil and turn off the heat, let it steep for at least 10 minutes before drinking. You may drink it on its own, but tastes best when combined with honey and lemon, adjust the taste to your liking.

6. Licorice, Peppermint, or Camomile Tea

These herbs contain anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that soothes the throat. Herbal teas in general have calming effects, which aids in promoting restful sleep, important for healing and recovery. One of my favourite teas to drink before bed is the Licorice Mint blend from Mcivers, a brand I discovered in Melbourne when I was on holiday a few years back.

Brew a mug of tea of your choice. If desired, add milk and/or sweetener. This is optional, but adding some cinnamon or tumeric powder helps to enhance the healing properties as this two spices are good in boosting the immune system.

Cinnamon and Tumeric are two very common ingredients in traditional Ayurvedic cures. Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest and most holistic medical systems that is still widely used today. One of the most common cure is Tumeric Latte, also known as Tumeric Milk. Tumeric, is a spice rock star, or as Elizabeth Rider puts it, basically a "Anti-Everything" spice. Follow this link to read more of its benefits and recipe for a Tumeric Milk.

*BONUS* Other Oral Medications 

Lidocaine, Echinacea, Propolis, or other numbing sprays help to relieve the pain. Propolis and Echinacea contain anti-inflammatory properties that not only numbs the discomfort, but help to kill bacteria, speeding up recovery.

Lozenges containing Lidocaine numbs the throat, relieving the pain and discomfort that you may feel. For a more natural alternative, go for manuka honey candies.

Ibuprofen and Aspirin are two anti-inflammatory drugs that are gentler on the stomach as compared to other painkillers, which can help to reduce swelling and pain.

While it is highly recommended to drink room temperature / warm water, as cold or ice water may induce coughing, it is important to listen to what your body needs. Some people find that hotter liquids aggravates throat irritation, while some find that colder liquids soothes the pain best. There is no right or wrong method in relieving sore throat pains - the idea is always in moderation.

If using cold water in the remedies above or having some ice cream works best for you, go for it! Just remember to have them in moderation. The remedies are meant to provide some aid, but drinking plain room temperature water is always the best, as too much ACV or Lemon juice may cause some stomach discomfort due to their acidic content.

There you have it! Lucky 7. Simple home remedies with ingredients that you will always have in your kitchen, so you don't have to worry if you run out of cough syrups or other oral medications you use to alleviate a sore throat.

I would recommend trying out these home remedies instead of turning to medications as they are more natural and health beneficial, however, if your sore throat lasts more than a few days or extremely painful, please seek consult a doctor. Severe pain could indicate other infections such as strep throat or tonsillitis, which requires medical treatment.