Wednesday 2 June 2021

Bug Buster: Fight the Colds, Sore Throats, Indigestions, Lethargy.

The season for never ending colds, coughs, fevers, sore throats... you get my drift, has arrived. On top of the haze that never seems to be going away, it is much more important to have home remedies on hand so that you can prevent these ailments from getting worse. 

This honey-lemon concoction has been around for ages, and as the Chinese saying goes, 姜還是老的辣: translated, it means, the old ginger is still the spicy one. Which also means that, the older a "recipe" or "tradition" is, the better it works. If it's still around these days, it means it's true, right? 

It's easy to pop a pill or two when we feel a cold coming, but natural remedies are so much safer and healthier, and they come with extra benefits too! 

1/2 Large-sized Lemon, freshly squeezed
4 Thin slices of Ginger Root
1 Tablespoon of Manuka Honey (or other natural sweeteners if you're Vegan)
1/2 Teaspoon of Ground Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar

1. In a cup of hot water, add in the sliced ginger.
2. Wait 2-3 minutes, then add the lemon juice, honey, cinnamon and apple cider vinegar.
3. Stir well before serving

Have as many cups of this until you feel better. This is also good as an everyday tea to keep flu bugs or viruses at bay. It is also important to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. This drink not only warms you up when having a cold, it also soothes sore throats! 

Alternatively, if you find it too much of a hassle to do all of the steps every single day, below is a recipe that can last up to 3 months if kept in the fridge. All you need to do is fork out 10 minutes on a weekend (or day), and just 30 seconds everyday after, until the mixture is finished.

2 Lemons, thinly sliced
1 Cup of Honey
1-2 Cinnamon Sticks (depending on preference)
1/2 Ginger Root, thinly sliced

Things you need: 
Glass Jar to store mixture

1. Distribute the lemon, ginger, and cinnamon in the clean glass jar
2. Slowly pour the honey over the ingredients.
3. Make sure when all the honey has filled in the empty voids there may be in the jar, there is still enough to cover all the ingredients just by a little.
4. Close the jar and keep refrigerated

Note: You may adjust the ingredients according to your preference - depending on how strong you want the ginger / cinnamon taste to be, and how small or large your jar is.

EXTRA TIP: Be sure to wash your lemon thoroughly, or the mixture could turn bitter due to the wax from the lemon skin. One way is to grab a handful of salt and rub the lemon (like a scrub) and rinse off.

Do not worry if the mixture seems runny after that, it's expected and totally normal.

To Serve: 
1. Take a spoonful (or more because why not!) of the mixture and stir in a cup of hot/warm water. Add in a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar for extra detoxing and anti-bacterial properties!

Benefits of this drink:
(taken from here)

Keeps constipation at bay: Warm water with lemon and honey, when had in the morning, stimulates the digestive system, helps produce intestinal mucus, hydrates the colon and infuses water into dried stool — a common reason for constipation. Apart from that, the warm water helps kick start bowel movements, aiding in regular and constipation free motions. But if you suffer from long-standing constipation woes, you could try some of these home remedies.

Hastens weight loss: Apart from cleansing your stomach, the lemon juice present in the mixture, goes a long way in helping you lose weight. Packed with a type of fibre called pectin, lemon helps you feel full and keep cravings at bay. The warm water, honey and lemon also creates a more alkaline atmosphere in your stomach, helping you lose weight faster. Apart from this, you could also supplement your weight loss efforts with these tips to lose weight in 20 days.

Aids in better digestion: Lemon helps your liver produce more bile that helps your digestive system break down complex foods better and utilise the essential components. Honey, on the other hand, has antibacterial properties that help thwart any infections you might have. Apart from, that it also helps increase the production of mucous in your stomach, which indirectly helps in flushing out toxins from your body. Apart from drinking this healthy drink every day, make sure you avoid these foods that are difficult to digest.

Can improve functioning of the colon: In Ayurveda, it is believed that we tend to have a build up of toxins or ‘ama’ on the inner lining of our stomach, which is the reason for a number of ailments including cancer. This product of undigested food, intestinal cells and dead bacteria often coats the inner lining of our stomach and is thought to lead to diseases. By drinking lemon and honey mixed with warm water, the walls of the intestine – especially the colon – get stimulated; leading to the expulsion of this ama. If understanding Ayurveda is not your thing, allopathy describes this mixture as a potent natural way to cleanse the colon, allowing it to function better by helping your body absorb nutrients, get rid of toxins, stay adequately hydrated and keep bloating at bay. Also, do try theAyurvedic detox diet on a regular basis to keep your insides clean and functioning well.

Helps cleanse the lymphatic system: According to experts, a dehydrated lymphatic system is one of the leading causes of illness. Lack of water and essential fluids in the lymphatic system can make you feel sluggish, fatigued, lead to constipation, disturbed sleep, high or low blood pressure, stress and an all-around lack in mental function. The benefit of drinking this mixture early in the morning is that it gives your lymphatic system a boost and helps hydrate the entire system.

Can give your energy levels a boost and improve your mood: Not a morning person? Well, this mixture can help beat that lethargy and fatigue you often feel every morning. How? Well, honey is an instant energy booster – minus the calories. Water helps clear your mind by providing fresh blood to your brain, and lemon activates your digestive system, getting to work properly and eliminating toxins that are often the reason for lethargy. Moreover, the scent of lemon is known to be a natural relaxant and can help uplift your mood. If you continue to feel fatigued, even after trying this remedy, there may be other causes for your symptoms. Do not neglect it and visit a doctor.

Aids in cleansing your urinary tract and acts as a diuretic: Honey is a very potent antibacterial agent, that has the capability to beat a number of common infections. When mixed with lemon and water – two agents that act as excellent diuretics (agents that flush out water from your body) – this concoction is the best way to cleanse your urinary tract. For women who suffer from frequent UTI (urinary tract infection), this is a boon and is known to keep recurrent infections at bay.

Helps beat bad breath and improve oral health: The acidic nature of lemon combined with the innate properties of honey and water can help beat bad breath almost instantly. The lemon cleanses your mouth, activating your salivary glands and killing offensive bacteria. When added to honey and water, it helps wash down bacteria and degraded food that is usually present in your mouth and throat early in the morning. Another reason for bad breath is the formation of a white film on your tongue (mainly consisting of decaying food and bacteria), this effectively gets rid of that film, making your breath fresh – naturally. If this doesn’t freshen your breath, you can try these expert tips.

Gives you clear skin and a natural glow: The benefits of lemon on your skin are aplenty, but apart from that, its cleansing action also helps in purifying your blood, also aiding in the production of new blood cells that acts as potent cleaning agents. The water and honey lend a unique restorative, antibacterial and collagen boosting properties to your skin as well.

Isn't that enough to send you rushing to your local grocery? I'm utterly convinced and bent on replacing my tea and coffee with this! 

Here's to healthy living!