Thursday 19 January 2017

Date A Girl Who Writes

Date a girl who writes – who spends her money on books and devouring them, while already thinking about writing the reviews at the back of their minds. She is lost at times, thinking of the right words to say or the most hilarious combination of cliches. It may take time, and the moment of laughing may pass and she will find herself laughing alone with her words. Laugh with her.

Find a girl who writes. For they are the ones who think deeply about life. She doesn’t just let any day goes by but she analyses every single one. She makes sure each one counts. She may look like a serious person, but truth is, she just keeps track on what’s happening around her. She is the type that cares, for she picks up the hint that others have overlooked.

She has an adventurous, magical, wonderful soul inside her. She is open to new things, from traveling to Africa to making coffee, for she knows each one will make a great post. She may be a seventeen-year-old on her very first date or a 37-year-old on his first war. She can do magic. She has imagination. Who knows where she would take you next?

She’s the girl scribbling down words on her overpriced Moleskine notebook during having coffee with you, for she has caught a phrase that she knows it will be such a sin if left undocumented. Wait for her. Let her put down the words. Take time. Talk to her about the most random things. Talk to her about issues dear to her heart. Writers are the most opinionated persons in the world, only if they are given permission to. She knows a lot of things, for she reads widely, but she is humble. For the more she reads, the more she knows that she doesn’t know, and the more she is eager to learn.

If you see that her coffee’s run out, buy her another cup of coffee. She’s not even halfway through talking to you.

Let her know what you really think of J.K Rowling. Or talk about the songs in J. R. R. Tolkien’s book. Talk about politics. She knows her stuff, and she would love to have the chance to show her knowledge. Let her talk about her favourite books and how they have inspired her and what she loves to do during her spare time. Of course, she will tell you she loves to read and to write. Ask anyway.

It’s easy to date a girl who writes. Read her words, every single one of them. Show that you support her. She may be the most insecure person in the world but she has courage to let her art goes to people. Criticise her. Make her writings better. Praise her when her article gets published. Buy her a vintage typewriter, she will definitely fall in love with you for life. Read widely yourself. Tell her something she doesn’t know. Oh, how she loves it when you tell her something she doesn’t know. Yet.

If you find a girl who writes, keep her close. She is the sensitive soul, always thinking of others for she has had her fair share of not thinking of others. True writers know this rule. For their words are often given to public and the actors are their friends and families. She has gotten critics, lots of them. She knows how to handle another one while not ruining herself in the process. But don’t ever hurt a writer, because for sure, she will turn you into a novel.

You will smile so hard when she has that writer’s block. Of course, it’s a lie she creates for herself, and she will love you for life if you have the slightest gift of inspiring her.

If she says she loves you, then it means that she really, really, really loves you. She has read too many love stories not to.

Date a girl who writes because you deserve it. She is the deep thinker, the lover of life, the caring one. She records the little things you do for her. Leave her one-sentence note in her bag as a reminder. Buy her another Moleskine notebook. Give her the full set of trilogy novels. Trust me, among her readers, you’ll become a king.

Find a girl who writes. She is dedicated, hardworking, and committed. She is the one who always sets a higher target, desperately wanting to become a better person, for she knows a good writer does just that. She is the one who wants to key in the hours to hone her craft, and focuses on realising her dream. Who else would be crazy enough to venture to the world of written worlds in the age where the industry is deemed as being in crisis?

Date a girl who writes. She will bring the best out of you. She will be forever grateful of you, for she knows how to love the man she is writing the words for more than the words themselves. And she knows how to live the best story.