Monday 6 June 2016

Date Someone Who Walks You Home

Date someone who walks you home. Someone who doesn’t mind taking the long route, the detour, the extra hour from the comfort of home. Someone who feels better if he knows that you’re safe and sound, before he kisses you goodnight and starts his other journey alone.

Date someone who walks you home. Who doesn’t do it when it’s convenient for him to do so, but who does it even though he needs to travel one hour and fifteen minutes back to his own place without the comfort of a car. Someone who does it, because he cares.

Date someone who walks you home. Someone who knows you are old enough to take care of yourself and to go back by your own, only to say no everytime you suggest he doesn’t need to send you home tonight. Date someone who sends you home not because he tries to be a gentleman, or has to become one, but because he wants to.

Date someone who walks you home. Someone who walks you home day after day, month after month, year after year. Someone who does it not only when he knows your parents are around, but even when he knows that no one would ever know that he does this apart from you. He doesn’t do it to score boyfriend points. He does it for you.

Date someone who walks you home, not because he needs to, but because he wants to. Who does it because even though he jokes of not to spoil you, he still treats you like a princess because in his eyes, you always are. Who knows how much it means for you for him to walk you home. Who isn’t doing it to add on the good-deeds-done list to each other. Who isn’t doing it because he feels obliged as a man, or forced as a boyfriend. But just because, just because he loves you.

Date someone who walks you home. Who despite every wrong thing you have done, your safety is more important to him than anything else. Who despite his tiredness, his exhaustion, and his want to just head home and hit the pillow, he still makes sacrifices for you. For he still puts you above his needs.

Date someone who walks you home, not because you ask him to, or even expect him to, but because he chooses to. Because he chooses you.

Date someone who walks you home. Because this small, expected, and often overlooked gesture is simply, irrevocably, love.